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Joy Parkin of Shady Maple Doodles has donated Cocoa to North Star Foundation has recently placed a Labradoodle backcross named Cocoa, donated to them by Joy Parkin of Shady Maples Doodles - www.shadymaplesdoodles.com Cocoa has been accepted into a training program at North Star Foundation and has begun training to be a companion to a lucky little boy. "This is an exceptional puppy. He's wonderful to work with and a pleasure to have around." Janet, North Star Trainer Skyler & Cocoa

About North Star Foundation

Patty Dobbs Gross is Founder and Executive Director of North Star Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to place assistance dogs with children who face challenges to help them to meet their social, emotional and educational goals. They have been incorporated for seven years and have made over 70 placements to date with children across the country. Although they primarily place golden or labrador retrievers in their line of work, occasionally due to allergies they go outside their own breeding program. At North Star, the clients are children whose challenges range from autism to serious medical conditions to grief over the loss of a parent. All these children have family members who are similarly affected and whose needs are factored into their services. Traditionally, Assistance Dog were highly trained to mitigate a specific disability (i.e., seeing eye or wheel-chair work) for predominantly adult clients, with very little preliminary or follow up contact. At North Star, they are focused on children. North Star Foundation believes their nonprofit status is at the very heart of their endeavor. Many families with children who face special challenges are struggling both financially and emotionally to provide for them. North Star dogs are placed with families based upon a sliding scale when funds are available to mitigate their disability or ease the pain associated with a trauma or a loss. Your money can help a child who faces a challenge to meet his or her social, emotional and educational needs. All donations are tax deductible as well as greatly appreciated. follow this link for more information North Star Foundation 20 Deerfield Lane Storrs, CT 06268 www.NorthStarDogs.com northstarfoundation@charter.net "We help children find their way."
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© Copyright Goldendoodles.com 2001. All rights reserved. You may not copy or otherwise use anything on this site without our written permission
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Joy Parkin of Shady Maple Doodles has donated Cocoa to North Star Foundation has recently placed a Labradoodle backcross named Cocoa, donated to them by Joy Parkin of Shady Maples Doodles - www.shadymaplesdoodles.com Cocoa has been accepted into a training program at North Star Foundation and has begun training to be a companion to a lucky little boy. "This is an exceptional puppy. He's wonderful to work with and a pleasure to have around." Janet, North Star Trainer Skyler & Cocoa

About North Star Foundation

Patty Dobbs Gross is Founder and Executive Director of North Star Foundation, a nonprofit organization whose mission is to place assistance dogs with children who face challenges to help them to meet their social, emotional and educational goals. They have been incorporated for seven years and have made over 70 placements to date with children across the country. Although they primarily place golden or labrador retrievers in their line of work, occasionally due to allergies they go outside their own breeding program. At North Star, the clients are children whose challenges range from autism to serious medical conditions to grief over the loss of a parent. All these children have family members who are similarly affected and whose needs are factored into their services. Traditionally, Assistance Dog were highly trained to mitigate a specific disability (i.e., seeing eye or wheel-chair work) for predominantly adult clients, with very little preliminary or follow up contact. At North Star, they are focused on children. North Star Foundation believes their nonprofit status is at the very heart of their endeavor. Many families with children who face special challenges are struggling both financially and emotionally to provide for them. North Star dogs are placed with families based upon a sliding scale when funds are available to mitigate their disability or ease the pain associated with a trauma or a loss. Your money can help a child who faces a challenge to meet his or her social, emotional and educational needs. All donations are tax deductible as well as greatly appreciated. follow this link for more information North Star Foundation 20 Deerfield Lane Storrs, CT 06268 www.NorthStarDogs.com northstarfoundation@charter.net "We help children find their way."